
[Hot]Friday - 20 November 2009

quynhgiang - 11-13-2009 20:13
Playboy Vixens-02.03.2006
layboy Vixens-02.03.2006|PDF|ENG|97.Pages|16.39 MB
Kod: http://hotfile.com/dl/17219691/d799c2f/Playboy5C27s20Vixens20-2020062020February20March.pdf.html

quynhgiang - 11-13-2009 20:16
[Hot]Friday - 20 November 2009
  [Hot]Friday - 20 November 2009
Japan | 22 pages | PDF | 10.50 MB
Kod: http://hotfile.com/dl/17461628/1b40f5f/reuneosdafyi.rar.html

quynhgiang - 11-13-2009 23:21
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex
Publisher: Macmillan Publishing USA | ISBN: 0028629027| edition 1999 | PDF | 380 pages | 5,66 mb

Sexy is as sexy does, according to Sari Locker (called "our favorite tantalizing sex writer" by Playboy magazine). But how to feel sexy if you're a virgin, or if you've experienced sexual problems, or have serious body image hang-ups? The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex succeeds in not only teaching technique (as well as a book can), but also offers serious advice for boosting your self-esteem.

As with other Complete Idiot guides, you'll probably want to turn this one backwards in your bookcase, or at least get a book cover for it. But get past the silly title and you'll find a plethora of facts, tips, and tricks on topics including sexual response, masturbation, foreplay, afterplay, oral sex, fantasy, sex toys, sexual preference, cross-dressing, and "The Big Om": tantric sex.
The margin notes liberally decorating the book are worth a hearty chuckle. The "Sextistics" are particularly fun and eye-opening. Some examples: only 9 percent of people surveyed believe sex appeal is innate; the rest feel it can be acquired!; about 7 percent of women have never climaxed; the majority of male crossdressers are married with children; and, according to the Hite Report, nearly 60 percent of men ages 61 to 75 said their desire for sex remained steady or increased with age, Viagra or no.
Locker, a sex educator and WCBS-TV relationship correspondent, has been a sex educator for more than a decade. That said, she should have placed the facts on contraceptives and sexually transmitted diseases earlier in the book, before the hot and heavy photographs of sexual positions. That gripe aside, Amazing Sex is worth investigating by both sexual neophytes and experienced couples looking to maintain a state of hot monogamy.

Kod: http://hotfile.com/dl/17174440/2b3445f/The_Complete_Idiot_s_Guide_To_Amazing_Sex.rar.html
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